Sunday, November 30, 2008



Hi People, this is Mikayla. What's in the Hizz houze?!

I went to the play A CHRISTMAS CAROL. It rocked! There was an old man named "SROOGE' in the play. He was a grumpy old man who was selfish and did not care about anyone. Until the night before Christmas when the old man was just about to go to sleep, 3 ghosts came and told him his future and past. It was horrible! But in the morning he was a changed man! He gave presents to everyone he new. He gave the most to a little boys family. The boys name was TINY TIM. Tiny Tim had a disease called polio and had a cane. There was a cure for Tiny Tim had a disease called polio and had a cane. There was a cure for Tiny Tim, but his family couldn't afford it. But Mr. Srooge paid for it and Tiny Tim didn't need the can anymore. The play was wonderful! Anyways, I will write more later.

See ya!

Today,Yesterday and tomorrow

Hi people .how are you.

Today I had my soccer game. We lost but thats okay.We lost by five goals.At least it wasn't a cup game.Whoa!At eleven today I am going to a play called A CHRISTMAS CAROL.I can't wait.Yesterday I saw the movie madagascar 2. It rocked!!!Tomorrow I go to school.YAY!!I love to learn!Anyways I will right more


Saturday, November 29, 2008


Today Iam going to go to my soccer game I hope we win.I bet we will because we have a super star player on my team :
She is also known as my best friend.Do you want to here something really cool?!! Alex's birthday is one day before mine!
I was supost to be born on the same day as her.She is an awesome friend.


Random Letters

am fdaibfkdagsodftoayesdghdila

If you look at these letters above and get a piece of paper, you can look for our names!!! in the line of letters!! cool huh?? see ya later alligator!!!!

and then you say, in a while crocodile!!!!!!

p.s. it is only Sofia And Mikayla's name, so don't spend the whole day trying to find alex!!!


okay, so this is our second post today and mikayla told me a really cheezy jokes!!! would y'all like to hear it??? doesn't matter if you don't because it's on our blog anyways!!!!!! so here it goes....



how come the fish was so selfish???????

because he was a shallow fish!!!!


MP's and SR's Sleepover Without AB!!! :(

Hi people!!!! we don't know what time it is because we had a sleepover but mikayla just told sofia that it is 7:18 a.m. we usually don't wake up this early. but that's okay dudes! today mikayla is going to a movie with her friend, Anonymous. and Sofia is going to her brother's soccer game.......(Akward silence...) YAY no not really i don't really like seeing his games even though they are pretty darn GOOD. so we both got advent calanders and we are going to eat our first piece of chocolate on December 1st, as you may know, that is how an andvent calander works! anyways, alex is still not here because it is the morning of mikayla and sofia's sleepover, but since sofia is going home @11 o'clock, we might not be able to call her but mikayla will see her @soccer on sunday. and sofia and mikayla will see her on monday at recess.

bye for now dudes and dudettes!!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

We just went to singing class. well, actually, sofia went to mikayla's singing class. but anyways, it was really fun!!! her teacher, nicole is really nice and she laughs alot wich is a good thing..... i guess. would you like to see some pictures of us today!!

later on in the future we are going to post tons more pictures and videos and stuff like that!!!! keep checking our fantabulous blog!!!! because we are totally awesome! yeah, that's right, Mikayla, Alex and Sofia are off the chizzle! have tons of pazzazz!!! are like a bunch of shnazzez-ez??? anyways, just check the blog........ kay? and if you see our blog tell us your name and we will write to you, because you might go to our school, and yeah.


hi people!!! how are ya'? this is mikayla, alex, and sofia talking to you. Today we went to school, we had a great day! mikayla and sofia are having a sleepover, but unfortunately alex couldn`t make it. we are doing this blog, because mikayla might be going to a different school next year, so we want to keep in touch!

talk to you guys later!!!!

p.s. hi alex how are ya`! TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS!!!