Sunday, November 30, 2008



Hi People, this is Mikayla. What's in the Hizz houze?!

I went to the play A CHRISTMAS CAROL. It rocked! There was an old man named "SROOGE' in the play. He was a grumpy old man who was selfish and did not care about anyone. Until the night before Christmas when the old man was just about to go to sleep, 3 ghosts came and told him his future and past. It was horrible! But in the morning he was a changed man! He gave presents to everyone he new. He gave the most to a little boys family. The boys name was TINY TIM. Tiny Tim had a disease called polio and had a cane. There was a cure for Tiny Tim had a disease called polio and had a cane. There was a cure for Tiny Tim, but his family couldn't afford it. But Mr. Srooge paid for it and Tiny Tim didn't need the can anymore. The play was wonderful! Anyways, I will write more later.

See ya!

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